non stavo cercando di scacciare i visitatori, sono sparite
le foto del "sillogismo grafico" e sono state sostituite da queste altre due

i cui originali sono disponibili qui e qui
c'è anche un link che rimanda a un testo che riporto:
To Yahoo! News readers:
News photos are an especially popular section of Yahoo! News. In part, this is because we present thousands of news photos from some of the leading news services, including The Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France Press. To make this volume of photos available in a timely manner, we present the photos and their captions as written, edited and distributed by the news services with no additional editing at Yahoo! News.
In recent days, a number of readers of Yahoo! News have commented on differences in the language in two Hurricane Katrina-related photo captions (from two news services). Since the controversy began, the supplier of one of the photos – AFP – has asked all its clients to remove the photo from their databases. Yahoo! News has complied with the AFP request.
Here are a few of the postings that have commented on the photo caption language:
You can comment on the issue on this message board.
Yahoo! News regrets that these photos and captions, viewed together, may have suggested a racial bias on our part. We remain committed to bringing our readers the full collection of photos as transmitted by our wire service partners.
Neil Budde
General Manager
Yahoo! News
meno male
le foto del "sillogismo grafico" e sono state sostituite da queste altre due

i cui originali sono disponibili qui e qui
c'è anche un link che rimanda a un testo che riporto:
To Yahoo! News readers:
News photos are an especially popular section of Yahoo! News. In part, this is because we present thousands of news photos from some of the leading news services, including The Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France Press. To make this volume of photos available in a timely manner, we present the photos and their captions as written, edited and distributed by the news services with no additional editing at Yahoo! News.
In recent days, a number of readers of Yahoo! News have commented on differences in the language in two Hurricane Katrina-related photo captions (from two news services). Since the controversy began, the supplier of one of the photos – AFP – has asked all its clients to remove the photo from their databases. Yahoo! News has complied with the AFP request.
Here are a few of the postings that have commented on the photo caption language:
You can comment on the issue on this message board.
Yahoo! News regrets that these photos and captions, viewed together, may have suggested a racial bias on our part. We remain committed to bringing our readers the full collection of photos as transmitted by our wire service partners.
Neil Budde
General Manager
Yahoo! News
meno male
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